PK-8th Hawaiian Studies

E lawe i ke a’o a mālama, a e ‘oi mau ka na’auao.
He who takes his teachings and applies them increases his knowledge.

Here at Carden Academy, our Hawaiian studies program encompasses a vast ocean of knowledge. The haumāna (students) learn that living in Hawai’i is not only a blessing, but also carries with it a profound sense of kuleana (responsibility). As community members, it is our kuleana to preserve and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. Through games, videos, dance, mele (songs), oli (chants), wala’au (talking story), and other engaging activities, the haumāna learns and understands that the Hawaiian culture is a living, breathing entity full of deep history and intricate growth.

Like the evolving clouds in the sky that reshape and transform, the haumāna are able to interact with each other and develop pertinent questions regarding their island home. Some of their values that they learn here include hō’ihi (respect), ha’aha’a (humbleness), kuleana, and mālama (to take care of) the land, ocean, their friends, and ‘ohana (family).

We strive to inspire our students to share and cultivate aloha. To cherish love and take pride in their island home of Hawai’i. Not only to pick and plant the seeds of aloha, but to nourish, water, weed, and gain patience in the growth process. Our time and energy spent up here at Carden Academy is priceless. We hope that each student can take some of their knowledge gained from our shared experience, and perpetuate our Hawaiian culture. For their generation and for future generations as well. And thus making their parents, ‘ohana, friends, and kumu (teachers) proud.

Carden Academy of Maui is a member of the Carden Educational Foundation, and is accredited by the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Our Mission
Carden Academy of Maui is committed to educating the whole child through a balance of academic excellence, character development, and enrichment through the arts in a nurturing, small classroom setting.

Our Vision
Carden Academy of Maui’s vision is to foster a joyful and respectful community of lifelong learners who embody the principles of authenticity, resilience, and global stewardship.